Saturday, August 29, 2009

Why I think my grandpa is awesome.

He slipped today and his reaction is:
Its a part of growing up.

And my grandma replies with:
Its a part of growing old.

And my reaction was:
Optimism at its best :)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Oh Shit Life.

I got the Job.
And I said Yes.
And now, I have a Job.


Monday, August 24, 2009

If my room is a reflection of my life.

Then I'm a mess.
Emotions piled in random corners of my soul.
Or something.

Because that is the only message I get from this once so beautiful room of mines.
I've managed to allow time to piss on it.
Its quite fascinating actually.

I should make a point to be home more often.
So I can take care of this mess.
But right now, I'm too tired.

I must get dressed.
Take a nap.
And wait for Teri to call so I can pick him up.

Little does he know, I'm going to ask him to drive today :)
Lets see if that works.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Lets hope it stays at a sore throat.

Jalene is not allowed to develop a cough.
Jalene is not allowed to develop a cough.
Jalene is not allowed to develop a cough.

I have a sore throat.
My mom said thats how it starts.
Jalene is not allowed to develop a cough, because Jalene's coughs go directly to her chest.
Bronchitis here Jalene comes.
And since I have no health insurance, pneumonia surely to follow.
Lets hope that my immune system can withstand these feelings of fatigue and body aches and make me magically better tomorrow morning.

Maybe I should go to sleep now.

Monday, August 17, 2009

7 days.

Not like I'm counting or anything...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

OMG Life.

It was one thing to apply for a job, another to take the entrance exam. And a whole new level to get a letter in the mail asking for an Interview commitment. I suppose its good that I've finally given myself a timeline here on Maui, and a more definitive plan on graduate school but shittymcpherson, the decisions I make henceforth are epically impactful on the path my life will lead. There were days that I would talk to Alex and we wished our lives would take forth on the journey we always imagined for ourselves, but when the moment is starting to unfold my heart and head is full of anxiety and wanderings.

Here is path A:
-work as a Social Worker for at least two years, gain experience and commitment.
-apply for graduate school, possibly Law or Business.
-volunteer on the weekends

Here is path B:
-officer training school for the Air Force.

The Air Force is unexplainable force in my life. I don't know its origins, but I do know thats its something I always wanted to do in my life. I believe it was the summer of 8th going onto Frosh year when I decided that I wanted to attend the Air Force Academy. I was so determined that I made my password for Xanga, airforce and AIM, military. I remember doing that because I did not want to allow myself to forget that its something I really wanted to do. Then it came down to applying and the Physical Aptitude Test sparked my flakiness and laziness and pure stupidity. Though I can't say that I regret not applying, but its one decision, I sometimes wonder, how that path might have lead me. And now I find out about this officer training program and I want to do it.

I should talk to a recruitment officer.