Friday, July 17, 2009

AND Break.

Wow, I definitely had something to say here before a noisy truck went up my street. Which, somehow, cleared my thoughts just as quickly as the tide to sand.

Hmm... I saw a shooting star above the intersection of Kaahumanu and Beach Rd. which is pretty amazing considering the light pollution. It brought a giddy smile to my face :) The other night/morning I also got to watch a cane fire for the first time in my life. That was simply amazing. And breathtaking (and no, not because of the smoke). I think I have to take more joy rides between the hours of four and five to catch another.

I remember now, what I was going to say.
I think I'm going to have no problem gaining the weight I lost over the past month.
All it takes is some home cooking. No more eating out for this girl. And its not the chang part of me either.
Its my stomachs LOVE for home cooking and RICE.
On Tuesday night my mom made me steak and potatoes. Enjoyed every bit.
Tonight I had pork chops and rice. SO GOOD. Even managed to eat round two of dinner an hour later, and two hours later eat a kim chee bowl.
Maria is right. My stomach is growing again :) WOOHOO.
Thank goodness.
I don't like my pants not fitting properly. Those are expensive pants.
And short shorts don't do well when they are overly big, seeing as I already purchase them too big for myself.
Lets just hope this pound I managed to gain with all this food intake isn't false hope since I haven't pooped yet.

On a less grotesque note for the TMI folks, I am watching ICE AGE with the cousin + friend and G-ma. I'm pretty excited! Whats more amusing though, is the thought of my grandparents going to watch The Hangover tomorrow night. If it weren't for Obon, I'd love to witness THAT. Speaking of Obon, I must check on the fellow Obon lovers to see if they are up for Kahului tomorrow/tonight :D

Nighty night.
Its time to continue my diligent reading of the final installment of the Harry Potter series. Take two.
Which, in this case, I'll fall asleep at roughly the third or fourth page I get to.
If I manage to read this book one more time, it WILL BE the first book I have EVER read twice.

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