Saturday, February 28, 2009

Friday, February 27, 2009


Made from scratch hash browns, fried egg whites and bacon. The ultimate breakfast. The red plate is what makes it even better. Food on colored plates make me happy. Makes it feel cafe-ish, even in the dull kitchen. The inspiration I am feeding on for painting this utterly brown and yellow kitchen. Yet, it never bothered me when it was my grandmas. Point in fact, I sit in this kitchen too much. Or maybe color makes my day brighter. Either way... Anyways, since the Pavlova I have made banana bread and snickerdoodles. I think my next mission is to perfect the soft pretzel, a hopeful replication of the rustic pretzel i had in a german cafe.

Dear Mika,
if you sense a different style of writing (which i do) its all due to the Mama Milk music i am currently listening to, from your current blogs requisition. i am enjoying it loads, that is fact.

In other news, the newspaper was just thrown onto our driveway. its about that time i go to bed now.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


it pains me that its been five days and i still haven't done shit (pardon the language, but it fully captures my sentiments at this very moment) with my life. its like i have managed to put my life on pause and forget where i placed the remote. then again i always feel this way at 4 in the morning. i think maybe i'll start piano lessons. or should i take a self defense class? both perhaps. i need a schedule for structure. i need to not have time to make the time, if that makes any sense.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Pavlova: second attempt.

It was only after I scraped the first attempt off the cookie sheet did I remember I wanted a photo of it. The second attempt included- waiting until egg whites were room temperature, adding one cup of sugar one teaspoon at a time, not stopping the mixer during sugar addition, and longer cooking time. It is a very sweet dessert, but marvelously complemented with loads of fruits.

My plans for today: take the car.
In reality, I woke up to my grandpa yelling my name. I helped my grandpa take great grandma to the doctor, a beautiful 2 hrs. By which time, the car was gone and I was hungry.
The upside: the day I wake up early, my grandma is going to buy me a new mattress :) WOOHOO. (I've been sleeping on the ground for the past few nights, since the one night I struggled to sleep because my bed was not doing it for me). It is heavily concaved, and I have therefore adjusted my sleeping so that I lie near the edges. Who knew there was a reason for my conformation.

I will make one more Pavlova.
Next mission: whole wheat bread.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I decided that in order for me to get things done I need to manage my time. (i.e. 30 minutes of job searching a day or apply for 1 job every 2 days)- something like that.

In other news, I attempted making Pavlova last night. It fell. I'll post a pic after its been decorated. But bear in mind, the Pavlova I had in Aotearoa was about 4 inches high.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Revelations, past and present.

Dream Honeymoon: One month in Italy. Inspiration for this dream, Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. I love reading travel books, more than any other type of book. I think its amazing- fantastic really, how people can recollect these memories so vividly and capture it so authentically, while having a very authentic experience. (And yes, how so very girlish of me having such premature thoughts).

The cycle of my on going life:
I do not want to find a mediocre job because I have a degree and do not want to waste it.
I do not want to find a real job because I don't want to feel stuck on Maui.
I need a job, mediocre or real, to start saving for the future I see for myself.

During my tenth reunion (of high school), I hope to be traveling the world. I do not want to be settled so soon. Or at the very least, by my tenth reunion, have lived in at least, two countries (excluding, Aotearoa and the States).

Inspiration from Mika, sketch my dream cafe.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


my stomach hurts & steeped peppermint tea is the only cure.

I like that I can order my official transcripts online, for free.
Next step, the job search.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

t h e . b e g i n n i n g .

8 months of post-graduation infatuation.
And its about time I start my move on.