Friday, February 20, 2009


Pavlova: second attempt.

It was only after I scraped the first attempt off the cookie sheet did I remember I wanted a photo of it. The second attempt included- waiting until egg whites were room temperature, adding one cup of sugar one teaspoon at a time, not stopping the mixer during sugar addition, and longer cooking time. It is a very sweet dessert, but marvelously complemented with loads of fruits.

My plans for today: take the car.
In reality, I woke up to my grandpa yelling my name. I helped my grandpa take great grandma to the doctor, a beautiful 2 hrs. By which time, the car was gone and I was hungry.
The upside: the day I wake up early, my grandma is going to buy me a new mattress :) WOOHOO. (I've been sleeping on the ground for the past few nights, since the one night I struggled to sleep because my bed was not doing it for me). It is heavily concaved, and I have therefore adjusted my sleeping so that I lie near the edges. Who knew there was a reason for my conformation.

I will make one more Pavlova.
Next mission: whole wheat bread.


  1. oh, cool! was it yummy?

    are you getting into the baking thing now? it seems a lot of patience and measuring is required. i don't think i could do it often. haha.

  2. This looks amazing. I don't really understand what it is though.

  3. maria: yes it was really yummy. its a different sort of dessert so a refreshing change for once. and yeah, i looove baking.

    mika: haha, its sort of like a meringue. although, that doesn't say much for me cause i never had meringue, but thats how its explained. its a very airy sweet dessert, so without the tartness from the fruit it would be unbearably sweet.
