Friday, March 13, 2009


Maybe it was the smorgasbord of thoughts I had before I went to sleep, but I can vividly remember the dream I had this morning. And I'm sure my subconscious wanted me to remember this dream because I woke up just as it was ending, or at least transitioning into a new dream. The firstish dream was of me pregnant and giving birth at the dining room table, it was quick and almost painless. About five minutes. I kept telling people in the dream that my second birth is probably going to be hell since my first was done with such ease. And to aid to my fear (but one that has kept me abstained) is that this child came from my first. Unfortunately as dreams are, I have no idea who that was. I also had a friend in the dream who was pregnant that was about to give birth the same day as me, but her contractions were just stress markers and she was put unto bed rest. (I wonder if this pregnancy dream came from watching Addison on Private Practice). Anyways, then it went to a dream where my cats were entered in a contest and I was hanging out with my NSLP. I received a book from a pretty stranger, one thats hair oddly resembled the pediatrician from Grey's Anatomy, but wore aviators to disguise her face. OH GOODNESS, perhaps signs that I watch too much television. OR that watching television right before I go to bed ignites too many images in my mind. Either way, wow.

Its another hot day here, I liked yesterday better. But mostly because I want to wash my hair and showering on a hot day with hot water is not so much fun.

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