Saturday, March 28, 2009

I went full circle.

So I was reading Mika's blog and going through some of my own thoughts, also post Terrance talk- and I came to the realization that I now know my dream job. Its not to sit in some boring office, 8-5 or to go tramping out in the forest educating people on the beauty that is Nature. My dream job is to travel for a few months at a time, living in said place and learning its culture. And when not traveling, living at home base doing who knows what. Maybe this isn't a realistic dream if I want to have kids, but for now I'm going to push away the questions and apprehensions and begin to seek out how I can find a job that will require me to travel. I realized this after I posed this thought with Terrance, "Do I want to live in California away from home and my family, because I am not settled with the idea of living at home at the age of twenty-two?" or "Do I want to work at home for however many months it takes me to save, so that I can ditch the job and plant myself on foreign ground for a few months?" Should I start to seek jobs at restaurants and coffee houses so that I can have the skills to find work in any country i find myself?

What I do know I need: money to save, money to pay off student loans, and money to pay for health insurance. This is what I do know and this is what is realistic. So perhaps for now, I 'should' be content on finding a steady, 40-hour week job to start saving up money. And yet, what will forever stop me from ever being content in this life is knowing (as far as my life motto goes), that I am not living in the moment, but working towards that moment. I don't like the idea of working towards the moment, although I suppose thats what school was and what life is about. So maybe this decision, I wouldn't be so happy with. My goodness, I think I've put myself back to square one.

I guess its time for lunch.


  1. The process, the path, the brief and sometimes painful moments...we need to learn how to enjoy the little things we need to do to get the big thing. I think we also need to take risks. Look at us, we're little maui girls who want to see the big things, but we're also so easily content sitting on a beach. What a challenge get off the beach. We need to hang like monkeys in a tree this summer.

  2. hehe, I just noticed that "big things" sounds really awkward...let me say, "the world" instead.
