Friday, March 13, 2009

repetitive thinking and standing still

I watched Slumdog Millionaire today with the grandparents and accomplished nothing this week. I do remember a time when I moved with time, but lately, I've been letting time float on by. I've always valued time as precious, but lately I've been taking advantage of it. When that stops, you'll be the first to know.

In other news, a couple days ago, I actually had the wits about me in regards to my fathers drunken stupor. Story: as I was leaving the house to go to my aunts house I decided (yes, I contemplated on just leaving) to say "bye." His response, "You need to get a life." My response, "I have one." The end. I felt victorious and the smile lasted an hour. My father doesn't think that going over to my aunts house to play scrabble with my grandma and aunt is 'a life.' I think its a life worth living. Any time to spend with family is time worth spent. Let me enter a burn: I suppose his life motto is, "any time with friends is time worth spent." Truth that is.

Oh, I'v also started to read 'The Fifth Mountain' by Paulo Coelho. I don't believe that I am a prophet or anything, but it does spark some curiosity that I once claimed to have spoken to angels. Note to self: inquiry. The curiosity stems only from the knowledge that I was never brought up with a religion, so why angels?
I am also reading 'Anna Karenina' by Leo Tolstoy. Very good book so far. Too thick to carry around so its become my nightside reading, trying to kick the habit of internet-before-sleep.

My grandpa loves company and loves family. One day I should go down to the beach with him while he fishes. He always asks, and I always decline. I think it would make his day.

P.S. This might be the root of my inability to concentrate on anything, or to sleep. I have way too many converging thoughts. Maybe I should write them down in here more often.

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