Thursday, April 2, 2009


Spritzing Versace first thing in the morning prompted an aromatic cue of a taste of Aotearoa. Driving home in the sun after dropping my mom off at work, put my mind into a state I haven't visited since I was there. Walking into Starbucks with the scent of coffee, petrol, Versace, sea salt wind and hard breezes was misplaced and welcomed. Encountering road work on my way to pick up my mom for lunch, prompting me to drive on the left side of the road was ironic. What were/are the reasons behind the blissful memories today? Is my conscious telling me to dive forth into the world with what I learned while I was there? Is it telling me to spend my money on an adventure I've been wanting to experience? Should I ignore, for once, my urge to not spend a dime regardless of how its taking a toll on my soul? I think so.

This is what I'm going to do, its already decided.

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